Patio Layers in My Area

Reliable patio layers in your local area.

We are based in Peterborough and cover areas in Cambridgeshire and East Midlands. Contact us today for a free quote.

Is it time to add a new style to your garden? A patio could be the perfect choice!

There are so many reasons to choose a patio to refresh your outdoor space. By combining patio slabs with professional installation and creative landscape design, you can remodel large and small gardens to create yet another outdoor space for your home.

There are many things to keep in mind when planning a beautiful patio, such as how you will use it, what walkways will be used, what furniture will fill the space, and how the landscape will look and feel together. Is the main goal to create a comfortable space to enjoy with friends and family? Or is it the functionality and practicality that is important to you?

Have you thought about adding zones to your garden?

The best way to add zones is to create split levels. You can do it by using several methods such as adding flower beds, walls or edging. And always remember about the size of your garden and the areas that would be most important for you. Sometimes you will have to compromise and make sure you don’t miss out on the key features. Also, make sure the furniture you own or buy fits in the space and provides enough space to move around.

By choosing the shade of the patio slabs, you can match or contrast the colours of the building and the surrounding elements. You should also consider the amount of direct sunlight your garden receives. If the area is dark, it is better to choose light paving stones. The contrast and layout of your home really depend on personal preference. Just choose the colour you like the most and you can play with the colour of the border to tie the floor to the property.